Monday, August 30, 2010


Stellar skies , a crystal dawn
liquid rays, heralding morn.
dewdrops graze,sharp green blades ,
an ecological maze
as illusion fades.

if only all i had imagined would come true
is this what i deserve, is it my due?
how could i have glorified my self
when i'm just another reject on the shelf
insignificant , inconsequential
was that all i was meant to be?

where will this introspection lead?
will it my morbid curiosity feed?do i have the guts 
to take this to the end
wrestle it out and my soul defend?
or will the fearful snake inside
blindly accept me as bonafide?

and when you're in charge
you're on nobody's dole
so is it about who's in control?
and was that how it was meant to be
when they said that man was born free?

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