Thursday, August 12, 2010

silence strikes more den being loud

I may look calm, I may look composed 
But I am screaming inside, from guilt and remorse
Because I always kept quiet when things were going wrong
I showed all my weaknesses when I should’ve been strong
It’s my silence that kills/ it’s my silence that fills/ the void for me
Because I never tell what I feel about
When my temper rises I start to shout 
I keep my silence because I don’t want to bother 
The people around/ I would kill myself rather
I feel the sorrow eating me up inside
But I’ll keep my silence, and I’ll keep the tears aside
My grievances prick my heart, making me bleed 
But I don’t show it, because I know that people don’t care and they have to feed/
Their own wants and their needs
I don’t want any support from them 
I’m silent when I’m awake, but I scream during my REM
My senses tell me to let the tears fall or they will freeze inside making the heart numb
But I can’t express myself to anyone, so I have to be dumb
God, give me the power to remain silent
Give me the power to keep the volcano inside me dormant
Because my frustration will make it to erupt
And the fire will burn and sacrifice people without clearing their doubts (about life)
The world will live till the day I can keep my silence
When it breaks, the seal will be broken and demons will create menace
My massive anger can destroy generations to come
If I let it out, people may never see the rising sun
God, Help me save the world from my anger 
Save it from massive annihilation
Send someone to calm me down 
Or take me away by making me drown 
And make me silent forever
This silence will be better than ever
Because sometimes silence says it all without a single word spoken
So make me silent, without a single piece broken.

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